The Peanuts Movie (2015)
Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest.
Director: Steve Martino
Actors: Alexander Garfin, Anastasia Bredikhina, Bill Melendez, Hadley Belle Miller, Marleik 'Mar Mar' Walker, Noah Schnapp, Rebecca Bloom
Country: USA
Secret of the Wings (2012)
Tinkerbell wanders into the forbidden Winter woods and meets Periwinkle. Together they learn the secret of their wings and try to unite the warm fairies and the winter fairies to…
Next Gen (2018) Hindi Dubbed
A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl’s life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman.
Ferdinand (2017) Hindi Dubbed
Ferdinand, a little bull, prefers sitting quietly under a cork tree just smelling the flowers versus jumping around, snorting, and butting heads with other bulls. As Ferdinand grows big and…
Traitor (2022) Season 2 Hindi Dubbed (Netflix)
In 2004, just before Estonia became a NATO member, Russian intelligence services recruit Alfred Vint, an official at the Estonian Defense Ministry.
The Smurfs (2011) Hindi Dubbed
When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours — in fact, smack dab in the…
Harlock: Space Pirate (2013)
Space Pirate Captain Harlock and his fearless crew face off against the space invaders who seek to conquer the planet Earth.
We Lost Our Human (2023) Hindi Dubbed
There’s been a glitch — all the humans are gone! Can you help pampered pet siblings Pud and Ham journey to the center of the universe to fix it?