Story of the adventures of three young men from two of the world’s metropolis, New State Trinity Capital and Karen village in Northern Thailand. To help save the world from…
As the Dragon Master, Po has endured his fair share of epic challenges but nothing could prepare him for his greatest one yet-as a Kung Fu teacher to a group…
When the mystical kingdom of Ramathep is besieged by a monstrous army of Yaksa Clan, the faith of the kingdom lies in a young Muay Thai warrior determined to use…
Khan Kluay is an elephant of King Naresuan the Great. Shaba Kaew, his beloved one, keeps a secret that she is pregnant. He must face three properties that belong to…
As the Dragon Master, Po has endured his fair share of epic challenges but nothing could prepare him for his greatest one yet-as a Kung Fu teacher to a group…
After he’s grounded by an injury, a high-flying bachelor is saddled with two wide-eyed orphans as they come face-to-face with the dangers and beauty of the outside world.